Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rogue Monday week 10


Well we got together, but it was baby cotton goodness instead of Rogue. I finished the skirt and front and back of the little dress. Now I need to sew things together, weave in ends, crochet around the neck edge and do whatever I need to to make the back close and sew on buttons. Once that is done I get to start on the sleeves. My hope is to have everything complete, washed, blocked and CUTE by Friday morning so knitknot can take it with her to Fargo. Once the baby dress is done I will probably do a few more rows of Rogue so I can get that off my plate before summer.

I have lots of blooming bulbs in my front garden and since it is such a lovely day I think it is time to get on the silly floppy garden hat and clean up the beds a bit.

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