Monday, June 22, 2009

Absentee gardening

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I guess the garden does much better while I'm gone. When I left there were flowers on the peas and now there are peas to eat.


Yummy peas to snack on. I had them on my salad yesterday, made with lettuce from the garden.

I need to find a recipe for Swiss chard. Anyone have any ideas?


The cherries need to be harvested this week. Wow!


They are sour, but just lovely.

There will be raspberries in about a month.



Teej said...

Hey - was flipping through this morning and found this recipe for cherry pie with swiss chard and pine nuts.. might be a little odd, but I thought of you immediately!

Liz said...

Ooh that sounds interesting. If the temp drops below 100 I may consider turning the oven on again. Thanks!