Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March snow

With two days left until Spring officially arrives, having a snow shower (or two) really is to be expected. I can't really complain when this is the result.


See that small speck of red? That would be a cardinal filling the back yard with his call. He was very loud this morning.

I was driving on ruts of ice most of the way to work, but it was hard to complain considering the view.
It's supposed to be in the 40's by the afternoon so most of the snow will be gone by then. Sad.

1 comment:

Constanza said...

As much as I love snow, I'm always happy when it's time to get out my bike again. I don't like biking through snow, slush and large puddles. I just wish the whole way was paved instead of certain sections, or that they cut back the brush in certain areas.