This beauty is from the collection at the MFA in Boston. It's Italian, knit in silk and metal threads from the early part of the 1600's. I think it is stunning. I would love to know what color it is.
At Jara's 35th Anniversary celebration I taught a class on knitting period stockings. Some people had already knit socks, some were just starting out knitting scarves, but they all seemed eager. I think the class went well so I'm ecouraged about my class at Lillies.
I worked some more on the second of pair #2 of the silk stockings. Sewing a pavilion and preparing for the class ate most of my time last week so I need to make it up. Having a cold now is not helping my concentration. I just want to sleep.
Holy crap is that gorgeous. I spent a couple minutes just scrolling it up and down. I hope you feel well soon!
mmmmm, and also wow! The description says "gilt-silver-over-yellow and pink silk". Flashy!
Wow! i just happened on your blog and YAY! it is good.
I need to stop drooling on my keyboard over the pretty, pretty sock. I'll have an update in my blog coming this weekend again. I cooked in the taginne again last weekend, and it was yummy.
Thank you for posting that.
Hi there! I usually lurk over on Livejournal, but I was slum-- uh, wandering by...
Those stockings are purple silk with gold metallic contrast yarn. The gold yarn is made with a hammered gold strip wound around a gold silk core. So very Fronch, n'est ce pas?
If the metallic yarn had been silver, the silver strip would have been wound around an undyed (white) silk yarn; the color of the core yarn plays up the color of the metal. Silkworkers had metallic yarns like this made up for tablet woven braids and other luxury smallware goods for centuries prior to when these stockings were knitted.
I am a DORK. Those stockings are pink and gold...
The MFA has a picture in color. http://www.mfa.org/collections/object/pair-of-stockings-121233
I have examined these stockings in person…they are CURRENTLY pink and faded gold but were likely burgundy/red and yellow gold when made. They are GLORIOUS. I have some closeup photos of various parts if you’re interested. If you visit themodernmaker.co you can message me through the “contact us” button. I’d be happy to share my experience with you!
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