No, I'm not making it for Octoberfest. I'm German, but my family was from the North or the West bordering France. I don't have any relatives from Austria. I simply like dirndls. They are super cute, easy to wear and fun to say. Say it with me: dirndl, dirndl, dirndl! Fun!
My goal for completion is the end of April.
"Where will you wear this?" you ask. Everywhere! Grocery shopping? Yes! Work? Yes! Dinner? Yes! I figure there are people in Austria who wear this dress every single day so why not.
Of COURSE you will!! And that's why I love you so much! :) Be sure to post pictures when you're done!
Go for it! I, muself, am beginning to lean towards Edwardian for daily wear. What the hell.
And, in your dirndl, you'll be better dressed in the modern world than many Scadians in the SCA at events.
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