The smaller sock is sized to fit a normal size 10 woman's foot (namely mine) to give you an idea of scale. (The grid is marked in inches) The gigantic sock is prior to felting.
Since I can't work on the Rogue during the week I need something to keep me occupied. I completed a knitted toque (pointy hat) for Halvdan on Saturday. It's made out of a 2 ply natural colored wool that I bought in Minot, ND. It's just lovely and the perfect amount for a hat. I'm waiting for him to try it on before I finish it.
I also started a pair of socks for the boy. He's going camping in MS next month and I want to make sure he has stuff to keep his feet warm.

The socks are made out of Lion Brand Wool-Ease (Sportweight) in Boysenberry. Very cute. He said I could make him socks and he likes the color and the pattern. I cast on last night and I have 7 1/2" knitted already.

Tonight part 2 of Rogue!
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