Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Verdict from the Vet

"Mittens" does not have a chip and HE is a un-neutered male. Basically I have removed a breeding pair from the street, probably preventing more litters of kittens without homes. This is good.

Heard from the caretaker's husband last night, and he sounds interested in the cats, but "Little Miss" is going off with friends tonight to be checked for bad diseases and have some play time with their cats. Fingers crossed that she is healthy and gets on with the current kitties.

More signs went up for Mittens and I have not heard anything. Maybe if Ingelief does not get the cats she is looking at she will take him. Too bad C and T are not ready for another cat cause I see Mittens with T.

I actually did knitting last night. Shock! I started the Icarus shawl for my godmother. So far so good. Tonight I need to go toy shopping for the Toys for Tots tournament on Wednesday. I'm also going to bake cookies for St. Nicholas Day, which is tomorrow.

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